Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tofu Stuffed Roast

This is a favorite dish of mine that I made for Thanksgiving 2014.  I used my walnut-apple stuffing inside of it and my creamy vegan brown gravy on top.  OMG!  This dish is so lovely and easy to make.  Enjoy.

8 (16 ounce) packages of extra firm tofu (crumbled up)
garlic powder
onion powder
1/3 cup olive oil
1/4 cup tamari or soy sauce
2 table spoons miso paste
5 tablespoons orange juice
1 teaspoon honey mustard
1 teaspoon spicy brown mustard
1/2 teaspoon orange zest
cheese cloth
salt/pepper, to taste

1. Place a medium sized colander into a same-sized bowl.  Line the colander with a cheese cloth.  Season crumbled tofu with garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper and place into colander. Place another cheese cloth over the top of the tofu.  Place a heavy weight on top (I used a heavy pot full of apples) and place in fridge for 2-3 hours or even overnight.  You are pressing all of the liquid out of the tofu and into the bowl that the colander is in.
2. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  Grease a cookie sheet.
3. Combine rest of ingredients into a bowl and mix well.
4. Remove tofu from fridge and take off weight.  Scoop out tofu so that there is one inch of tofu still lining the colander, place in a bowl on the side.  Brush the inside of tofu with the  miso mixture.
5. Place stuffing mixture I referenced above into the tofu center, press down hard.  Refill with scopped out tofu on top of stuffing and press down hard again.
6.  Turn the stuffed tofu over onto the cookie sheet (flat side down).  Mold into a round upside down bowl type form.  Brush the stuffed tofu roast with more miso paste mixture (make sure you save enough to use two more time).  Cover the tofu with foil and bake for one hour.
7. After an hour, remove tofu from over and base with miso paste mixture again.  Keep foil off and bake for another hour.  Once tofu is golder brown remove from oven and base with remainder of miso paste mixture.  Place on a serving dish and enjoy.  Make sure you top with some good ol vegan gravy (referenced above) when ready to eat.

-That VVV.

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