Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 2 - Courage - #21daysRAW

Its Day 2 of my 21 days FULLY RAW Challenge! 

The word speaking through me today is COURAGE…

I feel like I have courage sometimes but other times it’s a struggle.  This challenge tells me I must have courage since I am trying something I have never tried before.  The fear in my heart does not outweigh all that I know I am, so why should I even entertain my fears.  Some may say entertain it because you need balance, which is true, but balance can be provided without recognition of it and something negative in your life can be a part of your life without being who you are.

I sat up this morning and smiled…I felt the courage of my ancestors and meditated on food.  This whole 21 days is capturing the best of me and those coming across my path with get just that.  I am in love with courage and continuously desire to heal my body with all my shannanigans of fasts and many challenges that I partake on.  Hehe I am so silly I am smiling now as I drink my morning smoothie.   

Continue to send up all positivity into the universe to me whether through prayer, meditation, thoughts, affirmations…whatever you believe trust I will take it!  Working on a video this week so see you soon ;-).  http://www.youtube.com/user/VigorVirgoVegan

Blissful Loving & Happy Eating!

-That VVV.

Sweet Pink Smoothie

Mmmmm mmmmm good!  This recipe is also influenced by FULLYRAW Kristina (google her).  Its sweet, fun, and full of nutrients!

-1/4 pineapple (chopped in cubes)
-juice from 1 orange
-1/2 cup strawberries
-1 cup coconut water

1. Mix all together in a blender and enjoy!

-That VVV.

Blackberry Vanilla Dream Cream

Ok close your mouth I know you are drooling over this picture hehe.  This recipe was inspired by FULLYRAW Kristina (google her).  I added my own twist to it of course.  Enjoy this delectable, easy, creamy, yumness!

-5 frozen bananas
-1 cup blackberries
-1 tablespoon vanilla extract
-water, as needed 

1. Place frozen bananas and vanilla into your blender with a little water and blend.  Depending on how powerful your blender is, add more water but you want to keep the consistency creamy like ice cream.  Pour into a large bowl.
2. Next place your berries into the blender until smooth.  You may or may not need more water here again.
3.  Thats it, mix them together and top with more berries if you wish.

-That VVV.

THE Green Fruit Juice

This drink was inspired by another woman in life that I call ma.  She was just out of surgery and needed to be hydrated.  I decided to use her favorite fruits and throw in some surprise veggies and spirulina for energy.  Surprisingly tasty to her...my job was done hehe!  


-1 cup blueberries
-1 cup strawberries
-4 celery stalks
-1 bag spinach
-1 tablespoon spirulina
-1 apple (any kind but granny smiths

1. Juice everything through your juicer and add the spirulina directly into mixed drink when complete.

-That VVV.

Simply Sweetened Roasted Potatoes N String Beans

String beans and potatoes are my Dad's favorite thing to eat so I had to come up with a recipe for it with a twist. Enjoy!

-1 bag small round red potatoes
-2lbs string beand
-4 tablespoons olive oil
-pinch salt
-1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
-1/4 cup tamari
-1 teaspoon pepper
-1 teaspoon raw sugar
-1 garlic clove
-1 thumb size of minced ginger

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Cut potatoes in half and spread over a cookie sheet.  Toss in olive oil until well coated and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Bake for 15 minutes.
2. Cut string beans in half and toss in olive oil.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper and add to baking dish with potatoes.  Cook for 15 minutes.
3. Mix together vinegar, tamari, raw sugar, garlic, and ginger.  Pour over potatoes and string beans and bake for another 20 minutes, flipping half way through.

-That VVV.

Spicy BBQ Roasted Tofu Bites

For all you I DONT LIKE TOFU haters!  Check out this flavorful dish with only tofu.  Its easy and only requires a few easy to find ingredients.  The key to this texture is in the directions!

-1 15-ounce extra firm tofu
-1/2 cup your favorite BBG sauce
-1 tablespoon black sesame seeds 
-1 green onion sliced
-1 teaspoon turmeric 
-dash salt
-dash cayenne pepper

1. The key to this texture shown in the picture is freezing your tofu (after chopping it up) then unthawing it before ready to cook.  So chop up your tofu and place in freezer over night.  On your way to work the next morning take it out and it will be ready when you get home in the evening for cooking.
2. Preheat oven at 400 degrees.
3. Spread cubed tofu across a cookie sheet and sprinkle with salt, turmeric and cayenne.  Place in over for 20 minutes.
4.  Take out of oven and flip over, cook for another 20 minutes. 
5. Mix BBQ sauce, sesame seeds and green onion into a boul.
6. Take tofu out and toss into sauce, let sit for about 30 minutes (if you have time-but not necessary).  
7. Turn oven down to 350 and cook tofu 15 more minutes, take out recoat with sauce and flip over for another 15 minutes.
8. Enjoy this snack!

-That VVV.

Curry Veggies n Tofu w/Spiced Apples n Pears

Ok this dish was inspired by one of my favorite people in the world.  We had a little slumber party (as we like to do-dot judge us), talking about life, enjoying the holiday and of course good food.  She knows I am vegan so she went to the store ahead of time and figured she would cook me dinner.  I smiled at the intention but decided to cook myself.  Looked around her fridge, and this is what I came up with...hehe Enjoy!

-2 heads brocolli
-1 head cabbage
-1 15-ounce tofu
-1 bell pepper
-1 red onion
-2 garlic cloves
-2 tablespoons oil
-2 pears
-3 apples
-2 cups cooked rice (we used jasmine)
-raw sugar
-curry powder

1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
2. Chop up tofu and place in oven for about 20-30 minutes, until slightly brown.
3. Meanwhile, in a large skillet or wok but in your garlic and oil to simmer for 5 minutes.
4. Chop up your broccoli into small crowns, slice your pepper, slice your onion, chop fruit into bite sized pieces, and shred your cabbage.
4. Place your peppers and onions into the skillet and cook until semi-translucent.  Then add your broccoli.
5.  In another pan place your fruit and sprinkle with raw sugar and cinnamon.  cover and let cook for about 5-10 minutes, watching that it doesn't burn on the bottom.
6. Take tofu out of oven and place it and your broccoli in large wok or skillet.  Here is where you can start adding your seasonings to taste.
7. Layer this dish with rice, then veggie mix, then top with the fruit.

-That VVV.