Spiritual "Food 4 Thought"

Being a thoughtful vegan makes our time on this Earth more peaceful and joyous, because you get to have a hand in promoting and increasing the happiness, good health and well-being of others -- both animal and human -- rather than being an instrument of their suffering and death…-Russell Simmons

GUESS WHAT?  We are all connected, nature-humans-animals! 

Regardless of what your religious, spiritual or non-believer beliefs are, we all come from one source.  Why do you think the ocean waves are high when there is a full moon?  Where do you think the saying a happy wife equals a happy life means when it comes to energy transferring from one party to the next?  Where do you think the saying, “what goes around comes around” comes from?  Why do you think you get deja-vu or butterflies in your stomach suddenly?  All of those questions are answered based on intuition, spirit, and universal energy. 

The food you put in your body is a reflection of your culture, your demographic location, and your self-worth; it nourishes that spirit you walk around with every day.  The origin of each and everything you put in your body now IS YOUR BODY.  To kill animals for food, we are bringing that same violence that they felt into our bodies and minds and disturbing the physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual dimensions of ourselves in deep and intractable ways. Any sufferings, pain, guilt, stress, timid, worthlessness, death, stress, mistreatment, or negativity that had to do with the origin of your choice of food is now who and what you are and wear (clothes).  Ever wonder why after food from McDonalds you have a random fight with your girlfriend or get cranky all of a sudden and not sure why?  Or why you get such bad colds or menstrual cramps until you eat 4 oranges and some hot peppermint tea and you automatically feel better?  When you are sick you drink soup right?.... because it’s soothing and less processed then an artery clogging piece of meat which at that time you would consider to heavy to eat then.  So if you know that the vegetable soup is better for you only when you get a cold, why wouldn’t you think eating that way will make you feel better all the time?  Duh! 

Everything was not made to be processed in our sacred temples (physical AND spiritual bodies) and we must become more aware of what that means.  To live a long life you must eat right, have you ever seen a 90 year-old overweight person…if so, I want to meet them.  Unfortunately we find out slowly that eating meat is not right for our bodies (as our well-meaning parents have fed us baby foods flavored lamb, chicken, beef stew, etc), and by adulthood the cruelty and perversity involved are just plain natural and the norm for us.  You really are what you eat, wear, and participate in, and spiritually you are carrying around whatever that is for a mighty long time effecting others along the way.  Let’s fix ourselves first and ask The Creator for the discipline we will need to create new better habits.  Shake that attitude and so-called bad luck off your spirit and grab an apple! Hehe Remember this is all about education and love, so please excuse any harshness...plus this may have been too deep :-)...peace.

 One Day At A Time...

*That Vigor Virgo Vegan is not responsible for any diets or challenges you partake in through this blog.  I am not a nutritionist, nor am I a registered physician; my methods are built on my own personal experiences, research I have done myself, and individuals who have shared with me.  None of my methods have been tested or will guarantee a curing any bodily dysfunctions.  To protect yourself, please consult with your doctor before starting any new diet.*

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