Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 2 - Courage - #21daysRAW

Its Day 2 of my 21 days FULLY RAW Challenge! 

The word speaking through me today is COURAGE…

I feel like I have courage sometimes but other times it’s a struggle.  This challenge tells me I must have courage since I am trying something I have never tried before.  The fear in my heart does not outweigh all that I know I am, so why should I even entertain my fears.  Some may say entertain it because you need balance, which is true, but balance can be provided without recognition of it and something negative in your life can be a part of your life without being who you are.

I sat up this morning and smiled…I felt the courage of my ancestors and meditated on food.  This whole 21 days is capturing the best of me and those coming across my path with get just that.  I am in love with courage and continuously desire to heal my body with all my shannanigans of fasts and many challenges that I partake on.  Hehe I am so silly I am smiling now as I drink my morning smoothie.   

Continue to send up all positivity into the universe to me whether through prayer, meditation, thoughts, affirmations…whatever you believe trust I will take it!  Working on a video this week so see you soon ;-).  http://www.youtube.com/user/VigorVirgoVegan

Blissful Loving & Happy Eating!

-That VVV.

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