
There is something about veganism that is not easy, but the difficulty is not inherent in veganism, but in our culture...-Will Tuttle

This list of resources was developed from books I have had the pleasure of reading, websites I have visited and documentaries I have actually seen as well as books, movies and sites that I have referenced to in some way.  Understand that everything you read is not always true and everything you see is not always real (the mind plays on tricks on you), its called the power of persuasion and marketing.  So it is important to not just pick one item from this list to watch and/or read but rather choose several from the list and I promise they all will change your life in some way.  Share with others and continue to inspire......for these listed below showed me how easy it really was to just go ahead and be a VEGAN-EATER!  Reversing every chronic illness that was in ever in my path.

In no particular order....just click the title to go right to website and/or book ordering page.

Reading Books
-The World Peace Diet By Will Tuttle
-Becoming Vegan: The Complete Guide to Adapting a Healthy Plant-Based Diet  By Brenda Davis & Vesanto Melina
-By Any Greens Necessary  By Tracye Lynn McQuirter
-The Food Revolution By John Robbins
-Sistah Vegan By A. Breeze Harper
-Main Street Vegan By Victoria Moran
-Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition & Health By Marion Nestle
-Eat To Live  By Joel Fuhrman
-Its Easy To Start Eating Vegan By Rebecca Gilbert
-Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All American Meal By Eric Schlosser 
-Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People  By Jennifer Cornbleet
-Slaughterhouse By Gail A. Eisnitz
-The China Study By T. Colin Campbell
-Breaking The Food Seduction  By Neal Barnard
-The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen By Takya Lutzker
-Fit From Within By Victoria Moran
-Carbophobia: The Scary Truth About America's Low-Carb Craze By Michael Gregor
-Skinny Bitch By Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin
-Vegan For Life By Jack Norris
-Diet For a Poisoned Planet By David Steinman
-Perfect Health By Deepak Chopra
-Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows? By Melanie Joy
-Heal Thyself for Health and Longevity By Queen Afua
-Dominion By Matthew Scully
-Mind If I Order the Cheeseburger? By Sherry Colb
-Eat More, Weigh Less By Dean Ornish
-Diet For A New America  By John Robbins

-The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help save Your Life and the World By John Robbins

Cook Books
-Oh She Glows By Angela Liddon
-Throwin' Down Vegetarian Style  By Martha and Kamaal Theus
-Rawsome Vegan Baking By Emily Von Vuw
-Vegan Soul Kitchen By Bryant Terry
-Afro-Vegan By Bryant Terry
-Cookin' Crunk: Eating Vegan In The Dirty South By Bianca Phillips
-Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook  By Isa Moskowitz and Terry Romero
-Thug Kitchen By Thug Kitchen
-Skinny Bitch in the Kitch By Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin
-How It All Vegan  By Tanya Barnard and Sara Kramer
-The Vegan Table By Colleen Patrick Goudreau
-Vegan Soul Kitchen: Fresh, Healthy, and Creative African American Cuisine  By Terry Bryant
-Vegan Without Borders By Robin Robertson
-The 30-Minute Vegan By Mark Reinfeld
-Vegan Cooking For Carnivores By Quentin Bacon
-American Vegan Kitchen By Tamasin Noyes
-Short-Cut Vegan: Great Taste in No Time By Lorna J. Sass
-Ani's Raw Food Kitchen Cookbook Series  By Ani Phyo
-Vegan Tacos By Jason Wyrick

Movies/Documentaries (most of these are on Netflix n Hulu too)
-Earthlings (MUST WATCH-REAL ANIMAL CRUELTY101 vs YOUR have no idea)
-Hungry For Change (MUST WATCH-How food REALLY changes our bodies and health)
-Food, Inc. (MUST WATCH-The truth about how our food gets to our plates...unbelievable)
-101 Reasons to Go Vegan 
-The Future of Food
-Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead (MUST WATCH-How juicing changes health)
-Super Juice Me!
-Forks Over Knives
-Super Size Me 
-Food Matters
-Simply Raw

Restaurant Guides
-Veg Out Guide
-Happy Cow  (this is also an app to locate surrounding vegan and vegetarian restaurants~~~~~>)

Other Vegan Sites/Organizations

-Vegan Health & Fitness
-Spirituality & Health
-Live Better Naturally 
-Vegetarian Times
-Kindred Spirit Magazine 
-Vegetarian Living

*That Vigor Virgo Vegan is not responsible for any diets or challenges you partake in through this blog.  I am not a nutritionist, nor am I a registered physician; my methods are built on my own personal experiences, research I have done myself, and individuals who have shared with me.  None of my methods have been tested or will guarantee a curing any bodily dysfunctions.  To protect yourself, please consult with your doctor before starting any new diet.*
One Day At A Time... 

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