Who is That Vigor Virgo Vegan?

(August 2013)

Peace, my name is Starr and you guessed it – I EAT VEGAN! I am a highly spiritual, musically inspired, tree hugging, positive-beaming, silly nilly flower child whose favorite colors are green, orange, white, pink, brown, red, blue, purple, and yellow! Yes, EACH color represents something different for me, sending positive vibrating energies that feed my spirit. So, depending on the time of day, my favorite color may change ;-).

I am a sucker and live for...
Family and friends, my parents, my love, ALL types of music, spirituality, popcorn, quinoa, live concerts, art galleries, long road trips, good conversation, traveling, animals and animal welfare, my dogs, LGBTQ rights, American Sign Language, swimming, chakras, yoga, reading, writing, life, being surrounded by water, silence, meditating, festivals, writing and reciting poetry, poetry night, and oh yeah! EATING!

(July 2014)
My credentials and professional life (so to speak)...
I have Bachelors in Business Administration/Finance and a Masters in Business/Public Administration. Currently, I am working on a Masters and Doctorate degrees in Spirituality/Metaphysical Science & Counseling.  I have completed the Bachelor’s level, and through this program I was ordained as a Minister of Metaphysics – BOOYOW! I
make most of my $$ as a university-based Research/Grants Administration Coordinator (working on contracts/grant proposal development for professors seeking to fund their research through federal agencies and foundations), a Wedding Officiant, a Dog Walking/Sitting Company Owner, and a Spiritual Advisor. I am also a Professional Blogger (in the making) hehe.

Where I'm geographically located...
I currently reside (w/my love and our two dogs - Budha & Oshun) in Prince George’s County, Maryland, which is located in what is called the DMV (District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia) metropolitan area.  I am originally from Paterson, New Jersey.

My early days...
My most memorable journey began when I was a 3 year-old educational rap sensation.  I even had my own TV show (do not ask for those details-it was local glory hehe), and opened for early Hip-Hop artists like DJ Red Alert and MC Lyte.  I was a young violin and piano player, West African dance performer, cross country runner, distance swimmer, world traveler, lifeguard, and a swimming instructor. All of this happened up through my teens.  Then, I went off to school (see above).

My eating journey...
Ok, get ready, because what you’re about to read is the most honest I’ve been about my challenging journey with food ever – and never in writing. I am a renovated VEGAN-EATER.  I didn’t eat any meat until I was six years old – when my Nana convinced my mom that I needed some chicken hehe. I was raised on ALL foods (except for pork and very little red meat).  I ate from Ramen noodles and turkey hot dogs to tofu, TVP, mixed vegetables, mac n cheese, fried chicken and fish; and, I still thank my Nana-RIP and my parents for all that good food. Throughout my college years, I was for the most part vegetarian.  Then…for some reason the wind blew the wrong way and my decisions were no longer good food choices. I started eating meat again, and was always hungry (so I thought).  My weight fluctuated and before I knew it I was 345lbs and only 5’5” (OMG-I know)!  But when I looked in the mirror, I honestly didn’t see that weight.  I was too cocky and confident for my own good – WOW, I just realized that I announced my highest weight on the World Wide Web….OK deep breathing has now taken over this message…..still breathing deeply…..OK I’m back.   
(April 2010)
Health issues began to arrive.  Nothing too serious yet, but with sleep apnea and the fact that it was difficult to bend down to tie my shoes was a clear sign that I was headed in the wrong direction. I went in for WLS (weight loss surgery) in 2011, and am sharing this part of my journey because that surgery gave me a head start. It was a significant turning point in my eating journey.  However, it did not fix my mind or me spiritually, which some people think it does (or that it’s a quick fix). Bump that! IT’S WORK after that surgery! Loosing weight is about BEING READY mentally, physically, and spiritually.   All that!  If a person isn't ready, no matter what people tell them or how many people make fun of them, they won’t loose the weight. REAL TALK!  After losing around 130 lbs., I began gaining some of my weight back.  I didn’t want to listen to my parents and loved ones who tried to help (paying for programs, trainers, etc.), as they did even before surgery.  Then finally it clicked.  A very spiritually close friend of mine (shout out to South Jersey/Philly) and I decided to do a juice fast and to just take it from there.  We pushed each other and swore to never look back. He has no idea how much his support meant, and that it took me back to what was once familiar (being healthy) – MUAH #teamS&S! He remains on his own health journey and we have even more healthy plans on the way.  Thanks again to my parents and my love for always supporting ME DOING ME!  I am now happy and VEGAN, and trust my journey has been well worth it.  I have a whole new energy and feeling throughout my total being. I officially KNOW that our bodies do not need animal flesh. We actually internally struggle inside because it’s like a foreigner "trying" to decompose inside of our bodies.  Because of this knowledge, I asked myself, “Why eat it?” I have returned to where I started this journey.  I have educated myself and am clear about why I am choosing this plant-based diet once more! And, nobody can stop me now.

Why I became vegan again...
I decided to add this section because I want to KEEP IT REAL and to keep us conscious.  I officially chose to become a VEGAN-EATER after researching and understanding more about what animal flesh and their by-products do to the human body – including the fact that most chronic diseases are linked to this reality (see National Health Facts and Hungry for Change in my resource section).  I realized that a plant-based diet basically had no bad fats or cholesterol. Now, how healthy is that?  Plus my hair and skin would be more vibrant and my attitude would shine through even on “bad” days...for example. I even saw how eating a more plant-based diet could reverse diseases – that alone should make anyone at least consider this lifestyle right?  I also chose to be VEGAN because of what really goes on in those slaughterhouses, and even on farms (watch the first documentary listed on my resource page (Earthlings) if you THINK you are really ready for the truth. I knew that I could not support that type of hurt, suffering and pain.  Chickens, for example, were not put on the planet for me to eat; they have their own purpose in life.  I am also VEGAN because of the environment...thousands of gallons of water are required for one pound of beef to be produced, and where do you think all of that waste from those billions of animals goes?  Yes, into our water supply and into the stomachs of fish, shrimp and other water animals consumed.  We must not blame Mother Nature for global warming and climate issues either, but understand that much of the reason has to do with our high demands for meat.   Livestock contributes 40% more gas emissions then all transportation on the PLANET.  Now think on that!

I am so excited about VEGANISM, that it’s hard to pull myself away from the kitchen. There is way more that we VEGANS can eat than folks realize.  I am constantly juicing, cooking, and reading a TON of books on holistic health (watch my YouTube channel for book reviews and see my resources page for some of those books) comprised of the mind, body and the spirit. My journey continues with becoming a FULL VEGAN which goes beyond what we eat…see WEGAN101.

In closing...
Eating healthy is a constant battle for me (so don’t judge me when you see me enjoying a few extra wine tastings or having a moment of so-called clarity over some nachos n cheese or vegan junk food – I am human just like you). Clearly, if I am still on earth then I am still on purpose, I have more work to do and this blog is surely one of my callings. Enjoy everything you read on my blog…like I know I’ll enjoy all that you contribute back to it. 


(August 2014)
                                    (November 2014)



  1. Amazing! I'm so happy for you! I can only imagine how great you are doing now. I'm thrilled for you and wish u the very best as u continue on this wonderful journey. I'm right behind ya! Thanks for doing this😁

    1. That Vigor Virgo VEGAN...January 14, 2015 at 11:38 AM

      People like you inspire me, thats what it is about! Sticking together, thanks for the support!

  2. Replies
    1. That Vigor Virgo VEGAN...January 15, 2015 at 11:48 AM

      Aww cousin thanks so much...thank you for your support!
