People eat meat and think they will become as strong as an ox, forgetting that the ox eats grass so why shouldn’t you…- Pino Caruso
Ok I am not just saying this but eating vegan or a more plant-based diet is eeezzzzy peeeeezzzzy! All VEGANS eat are fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, whole grain, nuts and seeds. Basically things that come out of the ground and they also do juicing (see below). VEGANS also do not normally participate in any activities that involve the cruelty of animals for human entertainment purposes (circuses, rodeos, etc.) as well as wear them as clothing (pants, jackets, wallets, purses, shoes, etc).  That means no fur, wool, suede, silk, or leather.  VEGANS rather not use sweeteners that are not naturally from the sugar cane (including white), since most sugars are processed through animal cartilage YUCK!  Honey is also not usually used as it comes from bees, which are surely animals too. But trust, everything a meat-eater makes, so can a vegan and it taste just as awesome (actually better and more fulfilling)...see my recipes section if you don't believe me.

Now let me break down each of those food groups I just named.


Fruits are naturally from a plant so eat them raw, juiced, or lightly heated up.  Consumed by humans they load us with a ton of nutrients from vitamin C to even protein depending on the ones that you eat.

Vegetables especially raw and green leafy ones are the saviors of a VEGAN diet.  Everything you get from eating meat you can get from vegetables.  Actually I will take that back, everything you WANT to get from meat since nobody wants added cholesterol and unnecessary saturated fats and protein.  Vegetables can be used to make things from crab cakes to pasta!  And did you know that broccoli has almost twice the amount of protein per calorie then a steak!  Think on that...


These are the royal family for protein.  You can get up 18 grams of protein just eating a cup of beans (depending on the beans) which is easy to eat if you made a burger with them or even some soup, beanballs for spaghetti or a taco salad. 


Here is where you get lots of fiber and strength from because everyone knows you get lots of your energy from sugars and carbs.  Be careful on the intake though since your diet should be mostly fruits and veggies.


Packed with the healthy fats that our body needs as well as Omega3.  Nuts and seeds are great things to snack on. I like to call them filler foods because when I am hungry I grab a handful and they fill me up till I can get through cooking my dinner, hehe.


VEGANS also eat some meat substitutes for that meat-like consistency and for more protein.  Tofu (pronounced Toe-Foo), tempeh (pronounced Temp-Pay), seitan (pronounced Say-Tan), and tvp (Texturized Vegetable Protein) all come from either wheat or soy but remember they are considered a processed food so I wouldn't eat it three times a day as you may have when eating actual animal meat.


VEGANS also take pleasure in enjoying the finer things in life…and yes these do exist in the VEGAN world...I mean let's face it, I know you have seen an overweight VEGAN before.  Beer, wine, cookies, milkshakes, ice cream, muffins, cheesecake, pie, protein bars, chips, popcorn, candy bars, etc.  Eating this way is what we like to call being a VEGAN JUNK FOOD ADDICT.  Too much of these pleasures then you might as well not even call yourself VEGAN since the meaning of being EATING VEGAN is “PLANT-BASED”.


VEGANS are known for potentially developing vitamin deficiencies over time but it is actually not as much common based on reports as you would think.  But to be on the safe side most VEGANS with a “well-balanced” diet do not need but one supplement and that is B12.  Now I can hear the meat eaters now…then eat some meat because that is the only place you can get it!”  WRONG!

Vitamin B12 is actually found in soils.  The real reason humans ‘so-called” get any nutrients from animals (including B12) is because it was fed to those animals…dirt, dozens of antibiotics, other actual animals that ate it too and so on.  So to be safe, I would take a B12 supplement and we should get about 50-100mg a day.  But keep up with annual blood work to always check your levels for everything-you never know.  Even meat eaters should get annual blood work done since we all think we are getting the right amount of nutrients best needed to operate our bodies but sometimes are bodies do not ABSORB all of it every time.   STOP…now think about it!

A juice cleanse helps rid the body of toxins and impurities while still providing the nourishment you need. This allows your body to rest and regenerate without feeling overly fatigued or starved.  Juices are made with fresh, raw organic fruits and vegetables, which contain high levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and living enzymes that replenish and restore balance.  Juicing fresh
vegetables and fruits is the most simplest way to get the HIGHEST amount of nutrients at one time.

I will agree and say that actually eating the whole fruit or veggie is better for you, but you would be eating non-stop if you attempted to eat a 20 ounce bag of collard greens, 6 apples, parsley, 3 cucumbers, and a lemon within one hour (which you could easily get in a mason jar of juice). When you swallow fruit and veggie liquid, it goes straight to your bloodstream, giving you all you need nutrition wise.

 In one day of fasting, one will consume between 80-96 ounces of juice and water. Juice fasts (even if done one day at a time) detox your whole body so do not be surprised if you get a cold along the way...just keep trucking! Juicing can also be a spiritual tine to communicate with The Creator and Universe, to get answers and to just be at peace with your mind...its life changing.   Check out the Challenges section and join me on some fasts, or start your own cleanse and share with the blog family.

For companies with juicing cleanses and products, check groupon and living social (search juice cleanse for your area) for great deals...I use them all the time because 5 days of juicing can run you from $125-$300 if you not careful.  But also understand, shopping and juicing yourself can also get expensive, especially if you shop organic; just be mindful of your personal budget.  Purchasing from a company is just as fresh, you just pay for the convenience if you know what I mean.  But your body is worth it, right?!?  Technically your costs can come out to as low as $4-$5 a bottle, that's nothing compared to eating out every night of the week or eating our for lunch everyday.  A juice cleanse will allow you to focus more on LIFE and not so much on FOOD as you do normally; just grab your drink and go!

Click these juicing companies below (they all deliver for additional costs-but also check what shops are local to you).  Some are way more expensive then others so shop around and don't forget to look for coupons.  FYI, I have personally had the first seven and they taste great:
-Jus by Juile
-Evolution Fresh 
-Love Raw Juice
-Juice From the Raw
-Raw Generation
-Jukai Juice
-Juice Fresh
-Urban Remedy
-Cooler Cleanse
-Pressed Juicery
-Blue Print Cleanse

*That Vigor Virgo Vegan is not responsible for any diets or challenges you partake in through this blog.  I am not a nutritionist, nor am I a registered physician; my methods are built on my own personal experiences, research I have done myself, and individuals who have shared with me.  None of my methods have been tested or will guarantee a curing any bodily dysfunctions.  To protect yourself, please consult with your doctor before starting any new diet.*
One Day At A Time...

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