The VEGAN Pledge

You gotta do much more than believe if you really want to change things….-Dave Matthews

Affirmations said out loud over and over again psychologically tell your brain something is true; your mind makes decisions for you based on what you tell it, feed it, and what it already has access to in your mind. 
-That Vigor Virgo VEGAN

(recite aloud) I am grateful for my LIFE, therefore I PROMISE to…

                Eat more whole foods.

                Drink more water throughout my day.

                Not support the cruelty of animals by eating or wearing them.

                Save the future of my children and children’s children.

                Eat a more balanced diet.

                Not consume, chew, or eat any animal flesh or by products.

                Move my body for exercise every day.

                Treat everyone the same way I wish to be treated.

                Accept and create new better habits.

                Spread my healthy lifestyle knowledge to others.

                Be real with myself.

                Never cheat myself.

                Eat out less.

                Cook in my kitchen more.

                Juice at least once a week.

                Eat fruits and vegetables every day.

                Tell someone I love them every day.

                Tell myself I am in love with me every day.

                Limit my sugar intake.

                Limit my alcohol intake.
                Give thanks for my ancestors, trees, and all living things.

                Celebrate accomplishments without using food or drink.

                Honor my hunger correctly.

                Meditate as often as I can.

                Give myself at least 5 minutes of silence a day.

                Give back.

                Wear less wool, suede, silk, fur and leather.

                Participate less in using animals as entertainment (circuses, rodeos, etc.)

                Replace negative thoughts with positive ones at time of creation.

                Show love without using money.

                Support more vegan restaurants, online stores, and/or animal shelters.

                Watch what I say.
                Be conscious of what I am thinking.

                Remember I am not perfect, but that I do have purpose.
                Always put God first, then MYSELF.

You have now pledged your life to being VEGAN and/or continuing to just better yourself on ALL LEVELS, not only for yourself but for the world.  Spoken out loud your words are vibrating into the air and resting on the shoulders of others...remember we are all connected.  

You Can Do It! 


Namaste:  The Creator...The Gods...Cosmic/Universal Energy...Family...Friends...Love...The Environment...Animals.........and Food!

One Day At A Time...

*That Vigor Virgo Vegan is not responsible for any diets or challenges you partake in through this blog.  I am not a nutritionist, nor am I a registered physician; my methods are built on my own personal experiences, research I have done myself, and individuals who have shared with me.  None of my methods have been tested or will guarantee a curing any bodily dysfunctions.  To protect yourself, please consult with your doctor before starting any new diet.*

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