Friday, October 31, 2014

Garlic Ginger Kale

I am a huge fan of ginger.  It’s great for sinus issues, naturally curves your appetite, helps cure nausea, its also an aphrodisiac (but don’t tell my mom).  Unlike before, I now stir fry my kale slightly instead of bowling it in stock and letting it sit.  I want all of my nutrients. 

Ingredients (serves 4-6):
1 large bunch of kale
1 thumb size fresh ginger root or ginger paste of if you don’t have it fresh
2 tablespoons minced garlic
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
extra virgin olive oil, for stir frying
1/2 white onion (chopped in small pieces)
1 celery stalk (chopped in small pieces)
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

1. Take your bunch of kale and separate the pieces then begin cutting or tearing (be gentle to the kale hehe) them around the stem hard stalk piece in the middle.

2. Once you have de-stalked (yea I made that up) them lay them flat on your cutting board and begin rolling them like dough tucking pieces in on the sides. Start cutting across so that they come out shredded and place in colander for washing.

3. In the meantime, turn on the oil in your pan (medium-high heat) and pour in the garlic, red pepper flakes, and ginger, let simmer.

4. Wash your kale really good and place in pan next. Cover for 60 seconds only! Uncover and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

5. Stand over your pot and turn and turn your kale leaves until they turn bright green (dark green will mean you cooked them too long).  At the end add the balsamic vinegar.

-That VVV.

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