Thursday, November 27, 2014

Vegan Book Review: Skinny Bitch Part 1

Check out my new video about the book "Skinny Bitch", this is Part 1 out of 3 because I go into real detail.  Enjoy!  Don't forget to actually subscribe on my YouTube channel.
-That VVV.

Vegan Book Review: Skinny Bitch Part 2

Check out my new video about the book "Skinny Bitch", this is Part 2 out of 3 because I go into real detail.  Enjoy!  Don't forget to actually subscribe on my YouTube channel.
-That VVV.

Vegan Book Review: Skinny Bitch Part 3

Check out my new video about the book "Skinny Bitch", this is Part 1 out of 3 because I go into real detail.  Enjoy!  Don't forget to actually subscribe on my YouTube channel.
-That VVV.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


THANKSGIVING 2014 JUICE CHALLENGE! (You MUST read or have read the section on juicing before starting this juice cleanse, click VEGAN 101 to see that section)

Starting Monday, December 1st, I challenge you to do a 5-Day all juice fast with me.

You can do one, two, three, four, or the full five days (or longer if you please); every single day counts no matter what you choice.  Yes it will be challenging, but I will be posting everything my experiences and/or struggles as I hope you will check in with all of us reading this blog as well.  I promise juicing shows you who are you and is a great spiritual tactic to spiritually talking with The Creator and The Universe to get answers you need regarding life while cleansing and detoxing your body and mind.You will detox your body right after all that Thanksgiving goodness and it is a great way to start your December since all the holiday parties then start.

I will be listing different juice recipes in my recipes section but also see the list in the VEGAN 101 section of companies that specialize in fresh pressed juicing with delivery available as well.

Personally message me if you have any questions at all!


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

"The Better" Filet-O-Fish Sandwich

McDonalds is now out of business folks!  This is by far one of my most favorite and loved recipes.  McDonalds has a lot of money because of me because I used to LOVE their Filet-O-Fish.  So I told myself why not create my own now and not to deprive myself of not ever having that sandwich again.  The mixture of these ingredients and the way the tofu is cooked- TRUST- it comes out flaky and tasting like a fish which surprised me because the consistency of tofu is not flaky at all …AMAZING!
1 package of Tofu
5 tablespoons brown flaxseed + water (egg-like mixture)

Coating (based on how good you coat your tofu you can adjust the following ingredients as need be):
panko breadcrumbs
Crumbled up seaweed
Onion powder
Garlic powder
Dill weed
Old bay

Tarter sauce:
Vegan mayo
Sweet relish
Lemon juice
Old bay

To Make the Sandwich:
Vegan cheese slices (daiya is what I used since it melts great or make your own cheese here)
Whole wheat buns

1. Preheat oven to 400.

2. Make your egg next by combining the flaxseed and water, after it sits for a minute it will create a yolky egg-like substance perfect for dipping our tofu in.

3. Next, press your tofu on a plate to get all of the water out (I like to use a plate to push down on top of it). And cut your tofu into 4 squared pieces.

4. Mix up your breadcrumbs, seaweed, and seasonings to make your batter.

5. Dip the each of your tofu blocks into the egg mixture first then coat it all the way around using the batter and place on baking/cookie sheet covered in parchment paper. Place in over and cook for 15 minutes on each side.

6. To make your tarter sauce, mix all ingredients in a bowl and set aside.

7. Finally remove tofu blocks and layer your sandwich as follows: bottom bun, cheese, tofu block, tarter sauce, top of bun, ENJOY!

-That VVV.

Spaghetti & Beanballs

This is a cheap and easy recipe to make fast.  It tastes great, and most of all it has NO FAT or CHOLESTEROL!  Can’t beat that.

1 can (15 ounce) red kidney beans, drained
1 large can tomatoes
1 garlic clove (mince it)
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 bell peppers, sliced
1 onion, sliced
¼ cup whole wheat flour
Salt n pepper, to taste
Nutritional yeast, sprinkle on top (optional)
Basil, to taste
Oregano, to taste
Whole wheat noodles, cooked (I used edamame pea noodles)

1. Preheat your oven to 350.

2. Mash your beans with a potato masher or fork.

3. Sprinkle your beans with you seasonings. Make sure you season this well, as beans soak in a lot of season. Next pour in about a table spoon or two of juice from your can of tomatoes followed by your flour. Watch how much flour you pour in.

4. Now get your hands mushy and form the bean balls, then place then on a greased pan or cookie sheet.

5. Set in oven for about 15 minutes, do watch them as well as they will get brown on the top.

6. In the meantime, sauté your garlic in a pan with olive oil for about 3 minutes and add your peppers and onion to cook for another 3 minutes. Then add your can of tomatoes. Season as needed. Then let simmer for about 10 minutes.

7. Removed your meatballs and place them on your plate with your noodles, then pour the sauce over them and sprinkle with nutritional yeast (to give it that cheesy nutty taste).

-That VVV.

Ginger Chai Latte

I used to be a sucker for Starbucks until I found out how much sugar and fat is in a Chai Tea Latte, even when made with soy milk or fat free milk.  So this mixture was another one inspired by my mom who called me one time asking “What was that drink we used to get from Starbucks?”  I told her what it was, then I said “Mom, just go home and make it yourself”.  She agreed and saved her $3-4.  This recipe is somewhat of an upgrade then what I gave my mom, depending on what you have in your house already this could be made with some chai tea, non-dairy milk poured in and sprinkled with cinnamon if you want.  But you MUST try this at some point!  Use part of this recipe to also make ginger-ale soda!

Ingredients for the Ginger Syrup:
1 1/2 cups water
1 cup raw sugar
1 cup roughly chopped fresh ginger (~1 large knob)

Ingredients for the Latte:
1 1/2 - 2 Tbsp ginger syrup (from above)
1 1/4 cups unsweetened plain almond milk
1 ginger or chai tea bag
Ginger powder or cinnamon for topping
1 cinnamon stick (optional)

1. To make the ginger syrup, bring the water, sugar and ginger to a boil, and stir to dissolve sugar.

2. Then reduce heat to a low simmer and continue cooking for 45 minutes.

3. Strain into a bottle or jar for easy storage.

4. To make the ginger latte, heat almond milk in a saucepan or in a mug in the microwave and steep the tea bag. Then add 1-2 Tbsp of the ginger syrup. Taste and adjust sweetness as needed.

5. Sprinkle with a little ginger powder, cinnamon; place cinnamon stick (if using) in cup and serve.

6. Ginger syrup can be kept in the fridge for up to a month. Use for lattes, as a ginger-infused sweetener in cocktails, or with tonic water to make “ginger soda.”

-That VVV.