Monday, November 3, 2014

That Green Pineapple Mojito

YAY! More juicing, okay this mixture is better than the mojito with alcohol (and I can say that cause I am over 21 lol).  But no really this is great tasting as well as good for you.  The greens in this drink will fill you with energy and nutrients and the sweetness of the other items will have you wanting more!

Ingredients (for 1 serving):
2 cups kale
2 cups coconut water
3 cups pineapple
¼ cup fresh mint leaves
Juice of 1 lime

1.  Blend/Juice your kale and coconut water until smooth.

2.  Next add remaining ingredients to blender or juicer and blend until smooth again.

3.  Drink up!

-That VVV.

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