Monday, November 3, 2014

Zucchini Spaghetti Alfredo w/Broccoli & Peas

It’s here and it’s famous already!  Creamy cheesy warm Alfredo sauce…I mean who doesn’t like Alfredo?!?  If you do-just keep that to yourself.  And on top of a bed of zucchini pasta … mouth is currently watering.  This dish is full of straight veggies with a little sauce…..all the way down to the pasta YUP YUP!  And best of all, its soooo simple to make!

                4 large zucchinis
                3 tablespoons mince garlic
                2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
                salt, pepper, and onion powder to taste
Alfredo Sauce
                1 cauliflower (cut into small pieces)
                1 tablespoon minced garlic
                1 ½ cups almond milk (unsweetened)
                1 ½ tablespoon lemon juice
                1 ½ tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes

1.  Spiralize (it is worth purchasing a spiralizer for this meal unless you plan to use actual pasta) or thinly thinly thinly shred your zucchini.  

2.  Then place zucchini spaghetti into pan with garlic and oil and stir and cook for about 5-6 minutes then set aside.

3.  Start another pan with olive oil, almond milk and minced garlic.  Bring to a boil.

4.  Next put cauliflower into pan with milk and cook until cauliflower is all the way soft.

5.  Transfer mixture into a blender and add the lemon juice and nutritional yeast.  Blend until completely smooth, depending on your blender – if it gets stuck or too thick add more almond milk and/or lemon juice.  Taste throughout as well.

6.  Pour mixture over the zucchini spaghetti (or other pasta if you just made the sauce) and enjoy!

-That VVV.

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